
Showing posts from October, 2013

Six Degrees of Seperation

"First, you think the worst is a broken heart What's gonna kill you is the second part And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself Fifth, you see them out with someone else And the sixth, is when you admit you may have fucked up a little" *Poker Face*


Hari ini, 26 Oktober 2013 Gue secara de facto  udah jadi kelas 12 Karna hari ini baru aja beres UKK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! But.. As usual Gak ada euphoria  sama sekali. Gak ganti temen Gak ganti tempat duduk Gak ganti guru. #YaMauGimanaLagiSik #TerimaAjaDeh Terus tadi, Berhubung pulang cepet gue dan nadyn mutusin pergi ke Gramedia Pondok Cina berhubung Gramedia disana (katanya) lengkap berhubung ongkosnya cuman 2500 berhubung bisa sekalian naik kereta Terus, Pas udah dapet apa yang kita pengen beli Pas di stasiun kita hampir banget mati. Udah se close close nya to death . We were 5 cm closer to our death... Lo pasti taukan itu apa? Iya. Itu garis pembatas yang biasanya ada di stasiun-stasiun Kita gak boleh berdiri/jalan/lari/tengkurep/tiduran disana Soalnya (konon) yang berdiri disana pas kereta lewat, bakal terbang karna kecepatan kereta dan bahaya juga sik bisa kena keretanya. Dan kita tadi memberanikan diri buat 5 cm deket-deket sa...



Well for not well

Well, At least now I know; the truth. As much as I hate the last seen on Whatsapp, I really am thankful for its existence.

Beautiful Goodbye

So, I was scrolling on my Soundcloud timeline about 3 weeks ago, more or less. I played one of the Soundcloud, it was called "Beautiful Goodbye - *** cover" (If I'm not mistaken) I never heard that song before. His voice was so.. UGH. After I played that cover, that song stuck on my mind (like you know? When you hear an annoying song (but in this case it's not) or word, it will stuck and play on your mind like that song/word is haunting you for no reason.....) I don't know why, Maybe because of the lyrics. Fyi, the lyrics is about the man who felt sorry about his broke up with his gf. And he remember the night when he first met her, how he felt in love that night and stuff. Anyway, here's the lyrics. I count the ways I let you down On my fingers and toes but I'm running out Clever words can't help me now I grip you tight but you're slipping out And I remember your eyes were so bright When I first met you, so in love that night...


That's funny. When "My life has changed since I met him" word is actually exist. and the  unexpected  one is actually (might) the one. That's funny. When you can remember every details. Every  little things . When you didn't even meant to. Some said that was stupid. Some said that was sweet thing to did. That's funny. When suddenly your music player play a music. A music that remind you of something (someone in my case) and suddenly; your tears come down; blushing; smiling. and you have no idea why. Duh. Those are funny, aren't they?


Well, Hae. Been a long time eh. I'm just gonna tell you that I want to active in blogging again. (which is no bodies gonna care. But whatever) Wondering why? Well.. I just watched kinda a TV show and it showed some Journalists. The pros. They were telling us about why ' journalist' . And after that, I was thinking; What if being a Journalist is my passion. The real one. So, if it is, Why don't I start it with writing on my own blog? And of course. My posts will be (more) "interesting" (I guess)  Love,                    p.s: I just changed my profile pict. And why I choose that one? I just wanna show you my unexpected-weird-chubby-cute-wink face. xixi