
Showing posts from July, 2011

Cara buat suara biar ga serek -_-

1. Ambil tiga lembar daun sirih, lalu rebus dengan air sebanyak 2 gelas. 2. Setelah mendidih, saringlah lalu masukkan gula batu. 3. Aduk hingga menjadi semacam sirup yang kental. 4. Masukkan sirup tersebut kedalam botol terbuka. 5. Biarkan hingga dingin. 6. Kemudian tutuplah botol tersebut. 7. Minum ramuan diatas 3x sehari. atau dengan cara lain yaitu meminum air perasan kencur yang dicampur dengan madu. Atau anda bisa meminum air perasan jeruk nipis yang telah di seduh dengan air hangat. Tapi yang pasti adalah jaga kesehatan dan makanan yang anda konsumsi. Kurangi makan gorengan atau yang terlalu banyak mengandung MSG.

Get it right

What have I done? I wish I could run, away from this ship going under just trying to help hurt everyone else now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders what can you do when your good isn’t good enough and all that you touch tumbles down? cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things, I just wanna fix it somehow but how many times will it take? oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right, to get it right? can I start again, with my faith shaken? cause I can’t go back and undo this I just have to stay and face my mistakes, but if I get stronger and wiser, I’ll get through this what can you do when your good isn’t good enough? and all that you touch tumbles down? cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things, I just wanna fix it somehow but how many times will it take? oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right? so I throw up my fist, throw a punch in the air, and accept the truth that sometimes life isn’t fair!...


Just trying editing in picasa h33h3

Just Because V.s doesnt mean

Actually I don't know want to give what tittle in this post, and suddenly "Just because & doesnt mean" crossed in my mind................. and this post is talking about "just because........" -_- don't you understand?. Nope. Neither I am ._. *this sentences were made by me.. so don't be shocked ya guys ;)" "Just because I'm a teenagers, doesnt mean I love drugs" "Just because I say he is handsome, doesnt mean I like him" "Just because I like him, doesnt mean I love him" "Just because I'm single, doesnt mean I don't know anything about love" "Just because I ask you to, doesnt mean I cant do that" -_- "Just because I say she is pretty, doesnt mean I wanna be her" "Just because I can do the hard one thing, doesnt mean I can do anything" "Just because I close with a man, doesnt mean I'm his boyf" "Just because I'm ugly, doesnt mean yo...


Glee         When we hear that word. It doesn't strange anymore right? Glee here isn't mean "fun" but "glee" Glee series, still don't know? Glee eh! the best TV series in Star World *I think* why I want to talk about Glee? yea because they are so have a fvcking voice -_- I'm so jeaolus. I had to think "who the hell are they?! " "what the hell! the voice is fvking good" "they're lipsing! it doesn't their real voice!" and then I know the truth. That they are not lipsing, it's their voice, Oh god. All of songs that sang by glee are so cool, so unbelievable. They can make they own songs and the lyrics is so well.         Glee has already made 2 season, and I'm so impatient to wait the season 3. All of songs that sang by Glee can make me feel better. they can changed the rhythm which the first was so bored, slow be so "enakeun" *I don't know what's enakeun in english -_-". Indirect...