
Showing posts from September, 2011

Akai Osei

Akai, do you know who is he? He is the winner of "Got To Dance (UK) 1" and guess how old is he? He is 10. And he has won £100,000 prize money! imagine that! £100,000, that's so much for a kids like him ¬_¬ Got To Dance is a Dance Competition and Reality Show broadcast in the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, and India. Tha auditions are open to all dance acts of any age, style, or size. Auditions were held in October 2009 in Edinburgh, Manchaster, and London. With Ashley Banjo, Kimberly Wyatt, and Adam Garcia Ashley told Akai he was "Born to Dance" Osai is a british street dancer. He was born in Lambeth, London, England. He was inspired by Michael Jackson, Diversity, Flawless, and Chris Brown. He has only been dancing for year, the viewers and judges with a set of sophisticated moves, including head spins, body popping, and backsliding. On his won he said "I can't believe it, this is amazing. It's been the best night of my life, I...

Taylor Swift - Breathless

Here you are now Fresh from your war Back from the edge of time And all that you were, Stripped to the bone I thought you­d want to know That when you feel the world is crashing All around your feet Come running headlong into my arms Breathless I'll never judge you I can only love you Come now running headlong Into my arms Breathless Lay down your guns Too weak to run Nothing can harm you here Your precious heart Broken and scarred Somehow you made it through I only ask that you won't go again When you feel the world is crashing All around your feet Come running headlong into my arms Breathless I'll never judge you I can only love you Come now running headlong Into my arms Breathless So glad to see you smiling So good to hear your laugh I think that you've found you even Missed yourself I'm only asking this because I think that Truth be told Oh, you'll never go again Again When you feel the world is crashing All around your feet Come running headlong into my ar...

tyest agyain

Test again....... bismillah semoga bisaaa


cuman mau nge test signature ._.vv kalo berhasil ya alhamdulillah kalo engga ya berusaha lagi .____.vv bismillah~ amin


Unknown, unkown disini bukan berarti ga ada, tapi bingung mau ngasih judul apa........ Intinya sih cuman mau nge promote ._.v Makhluk halus ini namanya Andin Rahmania Putri. Kalo ga salah mah lahir tanggal 24 September 1997 ._.v Orang ini cantiknya melebihi David Archie, Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, Logan Lerman deh!! serius -_-v Tapi Andin ini udah cantik, baik, pinter lagi.... Asal lu tau Andin itu Dari kelas 1 sd Rangking 1 mulu! gila kan? -_-_- kakaknya aja masuk smanti exel !!! gila itu sarap sadis....... Mungkin emang bener gen pinter itu nurun ya....... Ga percaya andin cantik? nih fotonya Lah mukanya ga keliatan ya? ._.v gatau bingung mau milih foto yang mana jadi nyolong di blognya andin deh =)) Andin ini orangnya pasraheun pisan...... Kalo dijailin pasti pasrah. Apalagi kalo udah dijailin sama gua, heuh itu mah udah cuman bisa diem doang hahahhaha -_-v maaf din Ohiya want to know more about her? follow her account @andinrahmania , her blog here , and also he...

Planet Berlian di Galaksi Bima Sakti, Ternyata Memang Ada! | Gugling – Berita terkini, informasi, teknologi dan hiburan

Planet Berlian di Galaksi Bima Sakti, Ternyata Memang Ada! | Gugling – Berita terkini, informasi, teknologi dan hiburan beliin~

Poconggg :')

Finally, Today, Monday, 5th of June 2011, identity of @Poconggg on twitter has uncovered. Poconggg who made "Poconggg juga Pocong" book that be the best seller at much book store in Indonesia. Who always make "galauers sejati" in Indonesia keep "galau". Who always tell ghost story every friday nights. The ghost whose likes a celebrity. The ghost that be the most liked by many kind of girls.The ghost who has sexy voice. The ghost who are the most successfull ghost in the world. The ghost who always accompany "jomblongers" keep be "Jomblo". The Ghost who always loved by everyone. The ghost who missed bye everyone. The ghost who affraided by everyone to de-act his account now. The ghost who always make everyone scarried, happy, etc. Oke udahan inggrisnya. Aku cinta Indonesia..... Ini seriusan, akun poconggg udah kebongkar. sumber: htttp://  katanya disitu diebutin kalo yang punya adalah @ariefmuhammad  dan ...

LIMA ELANG (LIMA) - Cinema 21

LIMA ELANG (LIMA) - Cinema 21


Oke gua pengen banget ke tempat yang namanya Eropa. Tepatnya sih ke Italy, France dan tetangga2nya. tiba2 aja ini hasrat pengen banget ke eropa.... Dan gua jadi janji ke diri sendiri bakal ke Eropa suatu saat nanti :') (serius ini jadi pengen nangis) Galau binti galau banget kalo udah ada orang yang ngomongin eropa. Ini tempat udah asik banget, serius ini eropa galau nih hiks :'% Lu bingung kali kenapa gua ampe galau banget cuman gara2 Eropa.... Mungkin kalo lu galau itu gara2 pacar atau gebetan yang udah setengah mampus di kejar ga dapet2. Tapi kalo gua lagi galau itu pasti nge galauin sesuatu yang pengen gua lakuin tapi kemungkinan nya hanya 1:1000000000000000000 hiks banget emang :'( Gua ujug galau gini gara2 lagi fudul foto2 nya bang radit yang pas dia lagi di Paris, nah jleb itu langsung galau pengen ke Eropa. Tapi sebenernya mah gatau kenapa kurang srek sama Paris, aneh ya? orang mah pengen banget, tapi gua gatau kenapa kurang srek bgt... Gua tuh...