Busy Busy

Here I am.. Writing while it's raining outside... So, Next week I will do the mid term test of 5th semester. And on April next year I will do the National Exam I know. It's kinda sucks when you only can enjoy the high school atmosphere on 2 years only. But take the positive, you'll spent your teenage time on college! Yeay>.< If only I can skip the National Exam shit, last term test crap and continue when I'm already on the college........ haha stupid dream eh :/ But until now, I can't really decided which subject I will choose It's really confusing because I don't really know what I wanna be. Actually I know. But, it's so can't-happen-to-a-girl-like-me job And everyone will laugh and mock at me when I told them what it is (maybe you too) I wanna be an agent (Not LPG or pulsa one). Yap. I like the job that will trigger(?) my adrenalin. I don't like the office job. It's so classy... I like the field job. (and everyone...