
Showing posts from 2014


*cleaning the cobwebs on my blog* Whoa. It's been like forever I haven't write anything. sorry. It's not because I'm busy, it's just.. I have no desire to write back then. haha desire.. SO yeah. It's August 21st. Today is my 9th days of my Pre-University Bridging Program and my 13th days of me to living in Dormitory of President University. 8 days to go to Orientation week and 15 days to go to the real University life and routine University life rocks! The stupid thought that came up before never happen actually. I made a lot of new friends here, a lot of friends from different cities, different states, even different country. and they are all friendly and got their own accent. =)) I wash my own clothes here. I buy my own food here. Like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (We can't cook in dormitory, there's a rule that prohibit us to cook.) I'm on my own now. I really love it here! The whole new friends. The need-to-walk-to-c...

Graduation Day!!

So, I've just arrived from my Farewell Graduation Party a.k.a Prom Night. And since I haven't posted a post like for ages, so here it is! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!>,< Finally! I'm graduate from high school! Feels like the weight; the half weight in my shoulder just taken off. But yeah, just the half of it. SBMPTN still waiting for me, smiling in the corner like a creeps.. :| :| :| :| So, 2 days ago I just had my graduation day! It was amazing! I feel really bad because I have to 'leave" my friend. You know how does it feel when you're in high school, but only in 2 years? It sucks at first, but yeaaaaaaaaaah. That's life. I'm enjoying it eventually. I'm enjoying every second the effort that I made in this 2 years. Actually, I thought that I can't make it to the end. It's happen to me a lot of times when I got to my "tired" point. When I gave up. When I couldn't hold 'the weight' anymore. But, there was ...

Thank You.

Thank you. Thank you for taking away my dream. Thank you for destroying my dream. With your not-so-dream. By your stupid selfishness. It's your 2-year-classmate they said. They're gonna be just like your best friends they said. They're gonna be there for you they said. They're gonna support you no matter what they said. Gue tau lu gak suka sama sekolah ini. Kita semua tau. Gue tau lu gak suka sama temen2 lu disini. Kita semua tau. Gue tau lu gak suka sama atmosphere  disini. Kita semua tau. Tapi kenapa? Kenapa lo mesti boong? "EVERYONE SUCKS! I HATE EVERYONE!" SO DO YOU, bit*h! Yes. You're the only child. Yes. I know. You'll get mad when you don't get what you want. We all know. Bukan mengungkit kebaikan. Cuman ingin mengingatkan. Remember back then? My father said "take that. it will suit you" And I said "No. She said she'll take it. Kasian yah, dia anak tunggal gak boleh keluar kota. Shilla ngalah aj...

It's Just Not

It's just not that easy. Letting go the one you love. Even it's for our own good. It's just not. Sorry. Really am.