
*cleaning the cobwebs on my blog*

It's been like forever I haven't write anything.
It's not because I'm busy, it's just.. I have no desire to write back then.
haha desire..

SO yeah.
It's August 21st.
Today is my 9th days of my Pre-University Bridging Program and my 13th days of me to living in Dormitory of President University. 8 days to go to Orientation week and 15 days to go to the real University life and routine

University life rocks!
The stupid thought that came up before never happen actually.
I made a lot of new friends here, a lot of friends from different cities, different states, even different country.
and they are all friendly and got their own accent. =))
I wash my own clothes here.
I buy my own food here. Like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (We can't cook in dormitory, there's a rule that prohibit us to cook.)
I'm on my own now.

I really love it here!
The whole new friends.
The need-to-walk-to-campus-every-day thing.
The presentation that we need to do everyday.
The debate that we must do everyday.
The hot weather. (but it sucks sometime)
The need-to-do-all-things-by-yourself thing
The English that we need to use everyday
The lecturers who are all awesome. (even some of them have broken English. but still.)

I love it here!
I wish I can finish in 3.5 years here. So I will have my degree in my 19 and continue my study in Bristol University. Aamiin.


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