Graduation Day!!

So, I've just arrived from my Farewell Graduation Party a.k.a Prom Night.
And since I haven't posted a post like for ages, so here it is!

Finally! I'm graduate from high school!
Feels like the weight; the half weight in my shoulder just taken off.
But yeah, just the half of it.
SBMPTN still waiting for me, smiling in the corner like a creeps.. :| :| :| :|

2 days ago I just had my graduation day!
It was amazing! I feel really bad because I have to 'leave" my friend.
You know how does it feel when you're in high school, but only in 2 years?
It sucks at first, but yeaaaaaaaaaah. That's life. I'm enjoying it eventually.
I'm enjoying every second the effort that I made in this 2 years.
Actually, I thought that I can't make it to the end.
It's happen to me a lot of times when I got to my "tired" point.
When I gave up. When I couldn't hold 'the weight' anymore.
But, there was always my best friends, family, and friends to cheer me up.
to tell me that I'll make it. When I didn't even sure that I will.

But Finally.
I made it to the end!
I made it with all the effort that I made; from the stupidest to the smartest one.
I made it.

By the way, here some pictures of my graduation day and my prom!

Group Selfie!!

Gue resmi secara de facto dan de jure, lulus!


Pake blitz heu. Muka jadi budug heu.


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