Kemaren, pulang sekolah jam set12. Dan pg mulai jam 4 -_- Gue sama intan saking malesnya balik dulu, kita langsung goes ke PG. Dan kebetulan gue lagi beli monopoli. Dan akhirnya gue, intan sama mba Rini pun main monopoli di ruang 101. Permainan dimulai dengan mengocok dadu dan pembagian uang $.$ yap seperti biasa. Dan permainan mulai memanas ketika gue beli brazil, kanada, sama amerika serikat, dan gua beli 2 rumah untuk masing-masing.... itu ranjau abis hahahahahahahahaha dan ini lah hasil akhir permainan kita MINE: Jumlahnya $337.300 Dan ini lah jumlah harta guee INTAN'S Yang ini totalnya $228.500 Dan inilah pejuang-pejuang yang mewakili gue sama Intan di medan Monopoli Ki-ka: co-Shilla, co-Intan
What does it mean exactly? Is it when you are willing to give anything? Is it when you always want to spend your time together? Is it when you can be yourself without the fear that your love gonna be disappointed in you? Is it when you surrend everything you have and everything you are? The concept of "love" is too abstract for me. Barely grasp the idea of what it is. Throughout my 26 years of life, I thought I've met "love" I thought I've feel "love" I thought I knew "love" I thought I was "love" But, are they all real "love"? If it's the real "love", Why did it hurt? How can something that started so beautiful ended up wishing it was never there in the first place? Who is in the fault? "love" itself? Where did you put yourself between you and "love"? When exactly the "love" is not "love" anymore? What are you looking for in "love"? Now, I've come...
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