
Showing posts from 2018

Three Magic Words

Dear You, Sorry , if I'm so messed up and have lots of issues Sorry , if it's hard for me to show all my cards on the table Sorry , if I get scared all the time Sorry , if I'm not an easy person to deal with If somehow in the days to come, you ever feel less than what you feel right now; to me; us Please , don't keep it to yourself and find other ways to cover that hole If you have something that don't like about me Please , talk to me about it Despite the consequences of the talk; good or bad Things unsaid will make a time bomb which will explode at no time Thank you for making me happy in a way I haven't felt for quite a long time Thank you for seeing and accepting me for who I am Despite of all my plenteous flaws Thank you for being the place of me being vulnerable You are every hope I've ever had in human form


Japanese method for repairing broken pottery with GOLD Repairing things people disguise to and change it to something that is even more beautiful You, Bring the gold as you smile and simply for being exist, again with your silly little jokes repairing things I disguise to and change it to something that is even more beautiful You, With all the pain world has given you Somehow managed to make GOLD our of it and resuscitate these butterflies repairing things I disguise to and change it to something that is even more beautiful When people say what is broken will forever stay broken, tell them this story.

Weird Decease and the End of the World - Weird Dream III

I just had a really weird dream.. (aren't they all?) Jadi, long story short gue habis ngomongin one of my ex in senior high school to my friend saat di kantor Mungkin jadi kepikiran kali ya, so here it is! Jadi pokoknya tiba-tiba tuh gue udah lari-lari gitu, dikejar hal yang gue kira alien lewating gedung-gedung gitu. dan gue sempet kayak nge- glimpse orang masuk ke satu gedung yang gue rasa sangat aneh cara masuknya Ujung-ujungnya tiba-tiba gue sampe kantor, terus gue ngantor (?) pas pulang kantor gue naik shuttle kantor dan tiba-tiba lewating gedung aneh itu Yaudah dong gue turun disitu, gatau kenapa, rasanya penasaran aja sama gedung itu Terus pas udah turun, gue ngikutin orang yang kemarin masu kke gedung itu Tapi cara masuknya aneh, bukan dari pintu. Gedung itu tuh kayak di tutupin kardus gitu di sekeliling nya dan cara masuknya tuh kayak dari sela-sela kardusnya gitu.. Pasas gue masuk, di dalemnya tuh malah kayak rumah, di sekat sekat gitu ada ruang-ruang d...


- -  "I'm done."  -  nol  -  over it  - - smell perfume breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - #NowPlaying You and Me - Honne breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - Pop up in the corner of the screen the stupid game of ours breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - Love? breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - "Hey!" breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - olaf! breaks a little - -  REPEAT  - - shattered into pieces hoping that someday...

Serial Killer - Weird Dream 2

Heyyyoo, So, gue kemarin malem habis mimpi random lagi. Yang kata orang biasanya mimpi gitu kalau habis nonton film horror, padahal enggak. Gue sebelum tidur bener-bener gak nonton apa-apa, gue kemarin malem lembur Di kosan sih lemburnya, cuman ya, tetep sampe jam 10 juga buka laptop kantor *sigh Oke, Jadi mimpi nya di mulai dengan gue ngontrak rumah gitu di perumahan jarak antara rumahnya ga terlalu jauh dan ga terlalu deket gitu. Terus, pokoknya gue tuh kayak curiga gitu sama tetangga depan, IDK why Terus yang gue inget, tiba-tiba ada kayak cowok yang lagi dateng bertamu gitu di tetangga depan, tapi dia ngeliatin ke rumah gue terus. Dan gue udah takut kan, kalau dia mau nyulik atau bunuh gue Terus tiba-tiba, somehow someway gue ada pikiran untuk ngejebak dia buat masuk ke perangkap yang gue buat di depan pintu rumah tetangga depan Gue ga inget persis gimana cara gue ngejebak nya Pokoknya dia udah kayak ke cover plastik gitu, terus gue tusuk pake pisau *ini gue dapet...


Powerful word When you are so close You can see the tip of their nose On the edge of the cliff The line in between The beginning and the end Flashing like a light You and I, almost Yet almost is never enough It will never be enough You and I Never enough.

Twin Kidnapper Driver - Weird Dream 1

Hey! It's been awhile since I post something that not related to my piteous and dramatic lyfe hahaha So, First of all, gue mau tanya deh Have you ever have a dream that so real, that you thought it was the real life? or so random until you realize (while still dreaming) that it was just a dream? Well, I have! Like many times! From being chased by Zombies or Dinosaur, and once both! or the end of the world, or even only wearing a towel while shopping in a supermarket. I know. It all sounds crazy and funny and weird and I always tell my best friend the moment I woke up from those dreams Today, I just got one of those weird dream and he told me to write it out on my blog *maybe because he's tired hearing my weird dream* But actually that is a good idea, right? I mean... right???????? Okay, here it is Jadi itu semua diawali dengan gue mau berangkat kantor dari rumah di Bogor. *FYI, in real life kalau dari rumah, gue ke kantor itu naik shuttle dari Tanjung Barat...


Since he left for another person She was becoming more fierce She was afraid of nothing Because she felt like she's been through the worst feeling there is And since you, She started to know new kind of fear The fear of losing you And she was wrong, this is the worst feeling there is
It's the simple things you do I just can't get enough of you It's that perfume that you wear and the way you do your hair That I love so much And it's the simple things you say And how in bed we play It's the way you kiss my cheek when you think that I'm asleep I love it so much

A House

There is this house a happy little place for the occupants It has been through a lot; the storm, the flood, the earthquake. All kinds of something that everyone thought it never recover to. - everyone I mean the occupants. With a little help from the neighbor of course, because this house is still developed One month pass by, two month pass by, then all of sudden six month pass by, and it became stronger than ever It's on its best shape and models Hence, the occupants all comfortable living in its tiny little bubble Then, all of sudden, There is this old house that started to be occupied by some familiar figures knocking on the tiny little house, being nice as they supposed to At first, they started to cherish their arrival, tried to see the beautiful part of the old house, even tried to fix some broken parts of it And as the time goes by, both of the occupants started to realize that their houses actually have more similarities than they thought Then they like to...