Kece B-)

Malem ini, lagi pada nge tweet cowo kece itu...... Cewe kece itu....... Dan gue sih ngerasa itu cuman rasa egois kita doang.

We just think on our side, not on his or her side, yap selfish.

Menurut gue, kita cuman bilang pengen cowo atau cewe kaya gini...... Tapi yaa sebenernya, jadilah diri lo sendiri, dan orang bakal suka sama lu apa adanya

Ga perlu mengikuti cewe kece tuh begini dan cowo kece 
tuh begini.

"They'll love you by who you are if you are be who you are"

Menurut gue:

Maybe I'm not the "kece-est" one.
But I can love you like the "kece-est" girl who ever loved
the "kece-est" man


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