Believe it or not!

1. The Cano Cristales

             Cano Cristales is a Colombian river locates in the Serrania de la Macarena, province of Meta. The river is commonly called "The River of Five Colors", "The Liquid Rainbow", or even "The Most Beautiful River in the world" due to the algae produced colors like red, yellow, green and blue at the bottom of the river giving it a unique appearance.

              However, for a brief period of time every year, the river blossoms in a vibrant explosion of colors. During the short span between the wet and dry seasons, when the water level is just right, a unique species of plant that lines the river floor called Macarenia clavigera turns a brilliant red. It's offset by splotches of yellom and green sand, blue water, and a thousand shades in between.

              This only happens for a brief period in between seasons. During Colombia's wet season, the water flows too fast and deep, obscuring the bottom of thee river and denying the Macarenia clavigera the sun that it needs to turn red. During the dry season there is not enough water to support the dazzling array of life in the river. But for a few weeks from September through November, the river transforms into a veritable living rainbow.

how beauty it is -_-

2. Amazon river

Oke now just speak with Bahasa, Aku cinta Indonesia.

            Sebenernya sih bukan mau ngomongin sungai amazon, tapi cuman mau ngomongin itutuh laut yang di dalam sungai. Eh? itu teh di amazon kan ya? -_- yah pokoknya disitulah, taukan? Itu tuh keren abis, ganyangka kekuasaan Allah bener-bener hebat amazing abis. Itu juga ada di al-quran yang berbunyi: *drum roll*

Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut yang mengalir (berdampingan); yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain asin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi. (QS : Al Furqon 53)

and also

“Dia membiarkan dua lautan mengalir yang keduanya kemudian bertemu. Antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak dilampaui masing-masing.” (QS Ar Rahmaan : 19-20)

anjir emang ya subhannallah banget so something gitu~ ga percaya keajaibannya? nih fotonya

Sebenernya sih bukan cuman 2, tapi banyak banget. Tapi yang paling interesting buat gue ya cuman ini hahahaha

Salam gombalers,


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